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Prevent Data Breach with Security Awareness Training for Staff


I.T. security teams are responsible for ensuring the business is protected against data breach

We are a managed service provider (msp).

Often when a data breach occurs, companies instantly think it’s due to a security network system failing. However, the increase of access to employees leads to likelihood of human error and is a common driver to why data gets compromised.

I.T. security teams are responsible for ensuring the business is protected when it comes to data breaches, cyber-attacks and unprotected company information. Often when a data breach occurs, companies instantly think it’s due to a security network system failing. However, the increase of access to employees leads to likelihood of human error and is a common driver to why data gets compromised.

What can companies do differently?

A lot of data breaches are caused by employee slip-ups, so turning to them as the first call of action to ensure protection over your data is the key to success.

Training employees in security awareness is an important element for a strong security foundation within the organisation. But how should they receive training to ensure optimal results?

Make training interesting that will create impact.

It is still common for employees to receive no security awareness training and if so, it’s simply notes from a PowerPoint or booklet which can be difficult to digest and comprehend. This creates lack of engagement and interest from employees, thus lacking impact and defeats the purpose of receiving training.

Changes in how training is carried out is key. Instead of employees being a passive observer, make it interactive so they can walk away feeling confident that they can action what they’ve learnt in real-life scenarios.

Think I.T. has been serving clients for over 25 years and offers a powerful security awareness product solution.

How and what makes our approach different?

No check-the-box boring security awareness lectures. We focus on providing I.T. security awareness training solutions for employees by emotionally engaging viewers with interactive videos of real-life examples to boost attention, memory and interaction.

This hands-on approach to learning will empower individuals and organisations to defend themselves against cyber-threats more effectively.

Cyber-threats are changing regularly to out-smart data protection software implemented across organisations, so businesses cannot afford to lag behind. Employees need to be educated in this area and prepared for the range of possible security threats to ensure their data and the company is protected.

This means an end to using outdated training methods, to see employees as their greatest asset and invest in providing security training that will make a difference. Equipping employees with the knowledge to prevent a cyber-attack, instilling confidence in employees to speak out if they suspect an error and informing them on what to look out for is a great first step forward.

Get in touch with Think I.T. to learn more about our solution.

We are a managed service provider (msp).
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