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Workplace Privacy Policy While Hiring Medical Staff


Continuous advancements in technology together with the reach of social media mean you need to take a proactive approach in thinking how this affects your team and their working environment. This may include tailored training, updates in employee contracts or policies (e.g., having a social media policy), spot audits and re-training.

Continuous advancements in technology together with the reach of social media mean you need to take a proactive approach in thinking how this affects your team and their working environment. This may include tailored training, updates in employee contracts or policies (e.g., having a social media policy), spot audits and re-training.

I suggest regular ‘walkthroughs’ to monitor your reception and patient waiting areas. Take a minute to sit in the patient waiting areas and get a feel of the patient experience. Can you, and people sitting in the waiting room, hear what is being said or discussed by your team or other patients? Similarly, spend time in the reception with your receptionists to get an insight into what is being said or discussed. Is any identifiable information visible or audible to the public? Are the receptionists being mindful at every patient contact to ensure patient privacy?    


Q. Are your team aware of when it is acceptable and not acceptable to view medical information on patients? What does ‘employee browsing’ mean?

A. Employee browsing is when an employee who is authorised to have access to personal information at work ‘peeps’ at that information without a legitimate reason. For example, recognising a someone who may be a notary member of the public and viewing their notes.

Employee browsing is a breach of privacy.

PMS systems allow for auditing of records to see who has accessed information.

Q. Are your policies and guidelines relevant and reviewed on a regular basis, and not just when audits are coming up?

A. Employees need to know what their rights are and what the limits of those rights are. This is achieved through ongoing regular privacy training, team meetings and individual mentoring.

Q. Are your team aware that their emails can potentially be monitored if their employment agreement refers to this?

Employment Agreements

Provisions for the use of I.T. systems and internet usage usually form part of employment contracts.

Click here for more information on Privacy in the Workplace (OPC).

Debbie Cripps

We are a managed service provider (msp).
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